Cathy Ryan


Cathy danste en volgde de lesgeversopleiding bij Gabrielle Roth, de oprichtster van de  5 ritmes® en werkt al 15 jaar met deze bewegingsmeditatie. Daarnaast is ze stichtend lid van Open Floor International. Ze geeft les in Europa, de UK en de US. Ze heeft een achtergrond in theater, schrijven en sjamanisme.
Cathy geeft les in het Engels.

"Cathy's strength as a teacher is her ability to be completely present wherever she is and respond authentically to whatever and whoever is in the room with her. She creates a refreshingly non-judgmental, unsentimental, open space where people can discover themselves, others and the juiciness of the world around them." (Suzy Willson, Artistic Director of Clod Ensemble,

"Cathy has so many years of experience and wisdom both on and off the dance floor. Her passion for life is inspiring, dance with her, bring your willingness to wake up, be switched on and enjoy the ride. You are in extremely capable hands and held in a compassionate heart." (Sue Rickards, 5 Rhythms® teacher,  

"I have danced and participated in and benefited from Cathy's classes and workshops in Oxford, London and Ireland. She works with clarity, openness, insight and precision. She tempers honesty with humour, challenge with grace and holds a space and a group with deep integrity which allows the human body to move and the soul to flourish in trust, safety and honesty. In deep appreciation." (Annie Davy, facilitator and writer for human, organisational and community development,  

"This workshop was in so many aspect soooo good! It was very clear and easy to follow because there was a line that had been thought out with experience, psychological sensitiveness and love for life and people. Cathy is such an authentic, funny, intelligent, powerful and warm-hearted teacher that you feel safe and guide while dancing with her. The organisation was also very clear and good, including the location (East West Centre in Antwerp)." (Beate Gietzelt, Brussels)

Cathy geeft in Oost West Centrum workshops waarin via dans, muziek, beweging, ritueel en zelfonderzoek de magie en de complexiteit van onze relaties verkend worden.  De Libido workshops zijn een onderzoek naar de belichaming van onze levenskracht, gender en seksuele energie -  en ons vermogen om echt en authentiek aanwezig te zijn.


R vr 31/01/2025 Rising and falling - vrijdagavond Atheneum Deurne 25
R vr 31/01/2025 - zo 02/02/2025 Rising and falling - workshop incl vrijdag Atheneum Deurne 200
R za 01/02/2025 - zo 02/02/2025 Rising and falling - workshop excl vrijdag Atheneum Deurne 180
M vr 27/06/2025 Mask - vrijdagavond Atheneum Deurne 25
M vr 27/06/2025 - zo 29/06/2025 Mask - workshop incl vrijdag Atheneum Deurne 200
M za 28/06/2025 - zo 29/06/2025 Mask - workshop excl vrijdag Atheneum Deurne 180
E do 05/02/2026 - zo 08/02/2026 Emergence (2026) Orval 520
L do 06/06/2024 - zo 15/12/2024 Libido deepening Orval 1690

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