Christian de Sousa


Christian de Sousa has held space for thousands of people to go on transformative journeys through dance.

Creator of the legendary 5Rhythms dance space Sweaty Thursdays in south London, he initiated and led the seminal dancingTao and Earthdreamers projects. Having trained with Gabrielle Roth in 2005, he worked with Movement Medicine from its inception, and was an MM Pathfinder & Faculty Teacher, working closely with Ya'Acov & Susannah Darling Khan for over 20 years.

He was also mentored by Malidoma Somé and Jean-Claude Audergon and has studied in-depth with Suprapto Suryodarmo and Chris Luttichau.

Born in Switzerland of mixed European ancestry, he grew up in England and developed his practice in London and other cities. He lives in the south Devon hills with his family, and learns about enlightenment from the cats.

A Short Film about Glimpses of Light is a 6min film exploring the essence of my work:

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