Communication is the essence of relationship, it's very foundation. But the real power of words lies not in the words themselves, but in the intention with which they are spoken.
Intention is what you really communicate. Intention is truth. And when your words to align with your true intention, you have the power to heal, inspire, and create. Which means, you have the power of love.
As will be explained in this lecture, intimate partnership is the most important area of life in which we are meant to discover and utilize the power of intention.
Words are powerless and even meaningless when they are not in harmony with your intention.
The words "I love you" can carry a message of love or emptiness, depending on the intention, or the energy, with which they are spoken.
Intention gives us the power to change the dynamic in every part of our lives, especially in our intimate partnership.
You may be in an argument with your lover, each of you defending your respective points of view. But the instant one of you intends to find the deeper truth, and intends to reconcile with the other, the entire argument changes. Suddenly, you find yourselves searching for truth, understanding, and love.
Why? Because intention is the power that changes minds and hearts. It is the power that moves everything in the intended direction.
The heart is the portal of all intention. When the heart speaks its truth, your words have intention and power, creativity, and inspiration. And if you intend, they will also have love.
In intimate partnership, we are meant to learn to find and speak from the heart. And in the process, we are meant to discover and utilize the power of intention.
That power can reshape your world and give you success in all that you are doing. This is one of the many blessings that love in intimate partnership meant to give us.
This lecture will show you how to align with your heart; learn to speak and act from the power of intention; and to show you how that power can reshape your world for the better.